The Tide Sweepstakes image

Prizes: Tide Products Package

Value: $10,874

Entry: Enter Free Weekly

Expires: 06-30-2026

Added: 07-03-2024

Sponsor: Proctor & Gamble

Type: Sweepstakes | Rules


Category: Gift Certificates
Home Decor




2 WINNERS will get a prize package including four Tide PODS detergent; four Downy liquid fabric conditioner; four Unstopables beads; three Bounce sheets; and six Bounce Rapid Touch-Up spray (ARV $237).  Additional prizes: (104) $100 gift card.

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Average User Rating: 2

4 User(s) have voted

Restrictions: 18+

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  • 1 Months ago @qncytera1

    Rules are a bit confusing, as it says \\\" receive one (1) entry into the applicable Weekly Entry Period drawing [and all subsequent Weekly drawing(s)], \\\" Also, any additional entry has a warning pop-up.\\n\\nSo this seems to be the bottom li...